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Arab Academy

At Weblyfe, we recently had the pleasure of working with Mohamed Bokhdash to build a website and brand for Arab Academy. Mohamed’s mission is to teach Arabic-speaking people in Europe how to earn money online through e-commerce.

The Ecom Agency is our wizzard genius partner in all social media services: TikTok ads, FB ads, Pinterest ads, Google ads, SEO.
Mohamed Bokhdash
Project type
Full Service
Project Year

We aimed to create a luxurious brand that instills trust and credibility, essential for an audience often skeptical about online money-making opportunities. The design employs a sophisticated palette of black and white, enhanced with lifestyle content, results, proof of success, and video reviews to build trust. A clear call-to-action directs users to a live chat for immediate engagement. Additionally, the site supports automatic translation into English, Dutch, and Arabic, ensuring accessibility for all users.

Focusing on the e-commerce e-learning market, the website targets Arabic-speaking individuals in Europe seeking a legitimate path to success. Mohamed's audience comprises Arabic speakers residing in Western countries who are motivated to improve their lives despite past hardships. They seek a mentor who understands their cultural background and can provide guidance in their native language.

We incorporated essential features to meet the needs of this audience, such as clear evidence of success, motivational content, and a supportive community. The site emphasizes Mohamed's credibility through testimonials and case studies, reassuring potential clients of the program's legitimacy.

By developing a luxurious, user-friendly platform, we highlighted Mohamed's unique approach to e-commerce education. The new brand and website for Arab Academy provide a seamless, engaging experience that empowers Arabic-speaking individuals to achieve financial freedom and personal growth while maintaining their cultural values.

Arab Academy

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